Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Big Day

Well, Thursday am we loaded up and took off to Jackson, MS! We arrived at 2 am Friday morning and the night watchman let us in the gate to the pasture right with the Mustangs! I of course had to stumble off in the dark to lay my eyes on this amazing girl before I could sleep. She was 4 paddocks down and was very quiet..just calmly eating her hay. I had been so worried about her getting hurt on her 22 hr haul in from Canon City, CO I was so very relieved to see she was sound and healthy. As a matter of fact All the Mustangs were in wonderful flesh, did not appear tucked up and dehydrated at all. Kudos to the BLM, they sure know what they are doing :)

My husband and I slept in our trailer and I awoke as soon as the sky began to lighten. I jumped out and went to see her in the light and I was simply awestruck. I was in love in the video, but now..I mean she is even nicer than I expected. She stands ~15 hh, I bet every bit of 1100 pounds, very clean legs, HUGE bone, a very nice big step and a level topline...and her eye is the kindest I think I have witnessed yet. She humbles me.

We met quite a few of the Supreme adopters and I must say, they were a fabulous group of positive, encourages folks. And very diverse as well. From Dressage enthusiasts to trick horse trainers and everything in between. One really nice gentleman's signature move was "Sitting" his horse on a bale of hay! It was so wonderful to meet such diverse, talented folks..I can not wait to see everyone's progress in August!

When it came time to load Lindsay the wrangler herded her into a small shoot, similar to a bucking shoot and shut her in there. I expected her to be upset, but no, she just dropped her head and stood her ground. They then opened the front gate and she trotted the most beautiful, ground covering extended trot right up into the trailer and off we went! She was as quiet and still on the entire ride as any horse I've hauled, quieter than most actually. We stopped often to offer her water, hay and soaked alfalfa, but otherwise drove straight through to NC...~13 hrs! We arrived home at 3 am Sat. morning. Well, I really was not comfortable letting her off the trailer in the dark and I was afraid if I went in the house to sleep I would over-sleep b/c I was so sleep deprived, so I sleep in the goose-neck again. Lindsay was very quiet all night and drank and ate well. But, as soon as the sun began to peak up she woke me by spinning circles and pawing as if to say "Alright, you told me at daybreak you'd let me out"...Well I stumbled my way out and backed the trailer to the round pen. She stepped of like an old pro and went to rolling side to side in our black Kelly dirt! She was nervous a bit at our pack of 7 dogs, but quickly realized they were ok...but our pot-bellied pig...we are still working on that! Lindsay is still not so sure why there is a free range pig on her farm that likes to share her water tub!

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