Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 10 & 11 All Cleaned up :)

Well after Lindsay became comfortable in her new hat (halter) we starting doing more fun things that are much easier with a halter and a Bath! Of course Lindsay wasn't crazy about it at first, but she adjusted really quickly and by the time we were done she stood perfectly still for me to scrub both sides of her down. Her white flecks through her coat and salt n pepper mane never shined so bright! She is just gorgeous! I am tempted to think she has some additional color gene going on, she is not doubt a roan, but the way her mane and tail is so salt and pepper colored just amazes me...I've personally never seen a roan like that. I love it though!

After Lindsay's bath we worked on leading and her following the pressure of the rope not only to turn, but also to follow me in a straight line. She caught on rather quickly to that so we went on to work on desensitizing around her legs. I tossed the rope all under and around her legs. She was upset at first, but never offered to kick and realized after a while the snake rope was not going to bite her around her legs either.

I went back in later and did some more joining up work. I was so pleased to see that now Lindsay was more comfortable with me all around her face she would join up coming much closer to me than ever...within 2 feet! She also allowed me to approach her from her face dead on, rather than at her shoulder as she did before. She let me rub all over her head and ears and body with the rope and even seemed to take a nap while I was doing so!

Today, Wednesday we did some more joining up which she again took to well, coming all the way to me a few times and consistently following me around the round pen.

I decided as good as she was progressing it was time for the surcingle! She was a bit nervous about me putting it on her so I sacked her out with it first. It's interesting how "aware" she is of everything. I can toss the rope all over her, but with a new object it's as if we have to start all over, but she relaxes quicker each time. After she relaxed a bit I gently snugged up the cinch. I sent her off to the rail and the rodeo was on for a few laps! That girl has got some moves! She only bucked a few laps around though and desperately asked me to come back in to the center. It's as if she has decided I'm the safe spot all of a sudden and she was certain I would save her from the crazy thing stuck to her back! Well I guess I kinda saved her, I comforted her, but then added some leg wraps and ropes to the rings of the surcingle and sent her off again. Not as much bucking this time...but even more begging to come back to me. Just to think only a few days ago I was desperate for her to come all the way to seemed as if she never would...and now I have become such the safe spot that she wants to crawl in my lap when something frightens her LOL!... Well I had to remind her that even though I was flattered by her faith in me there are still some rules of mutual respect and boundaries we need to follow.

So far I have been desperately trying to convince her to come towards me into my space...we have had no opportunity to work on her moving out of my space. It wasn't an issue at first because all she wanted to do was get out of my space, but now that she is so comfortable with me it is time to add some more tools to my tool belt so to speak.

So we starting working on her moving out of my space. To explain this to her I stepped towards her to ask her to step back, out of my space I just created, but she didn't budge...I tossed my hand and the rope at her a bit to encourage her to step back...still didn't budge. She just looked at me like I was some fool, saying "lady you have lost it...for a week you've been convincing me Not to move when you toss that thing at me, what are you thinking now?" It kind of made me chuckle, but I continued a little more aggressively until she shifted her weight that move I immediately backed of to reward her and then asked again. She caught on pretty well after the first try and we backed across the round pen a few times. I then sacked her out again w/ the rope to be certain I had not made her afraid of it and asked her to follow me to the gate. I was thrilled to see her follow me so willingly just after I had pushed her off of me. I do believe this is one smart cookie and I am just ecstatic at the confidence she is putting in me!

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