Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Videos...Pasture Time & Barrels

Well Lindsay is now turned out in her big green pasture. I am personally a nervous wreck when it comes to getting horses adjusted to hot-wire and as much as I wanted to get Lindsay turned out, I really dreaded that aspect of it. We have the hot-cote fencing, which I really do like, it is white coated electric fence so it's very visible, but still holds current. I started by putting a strand up in the round pen for her to test out...I feel like such an awful person when she walked right up to it out of the curiousity that we had both worked so hard to cultivate over the last 100 days...and got zapped! Ughhhh hated that...but she has to know what it is if she is going to be in the field, so life goes on. It didn't take much of a zap for her to decide that every type of fence must be hot...including the round pen! She was even nervous to walk through the gate at first...she has adjusted now though and is currently out in a 3 acre field surrounded by other horses in pastures beside her. I can tell she wants a buddy, I will work on that next...must do one thing at a time to try and keep things as safe as possible. It is so very nice to see her eating grass out in the field. I know she must enjoy it...I've never seen a horse crave grass like she does...I guess she was used to eating everything she could all day long out in WY to maintain enough calories.

I have still been riding her..not twice a day as before! lol ...but at least every other day. I am actually pregnant and honestly Lindsay is one of my best mounts to sit on! My body feels so much better when I ride, it's just what I am wired to telling what would go on inside of me if I stopped...mentally and physically I'd be a wreck!...It's sure not for everyone..(riding while in foal ) is a personal decision whether it is right for you, but I know without a shadow of a doubt it is right for me and I am so thankful to have Lindsay to help my mind and body stay in a good place during this 9 months of excitement!

We actually have started slow loping the barrel pattern and man is she a natural. Turning the barrels comes very, very easy to her. My husband, Mike, has not run barrels before, but I'm hoping maybe he and Lindsay will be a team in the future. Mike is so incredible to go with me to barrel races and is always so supportive...I think it would be really neat if he could participate too. Lindsay is so balanced and collected naturally, I think she will be a smooth running horse when she's finished. She may even end up being "Filleigh Kay's" ride too (that's our little girl currently swimming around in my belly :) I am so very thankful that with the Supreme we were able to adopt up front...I have all ideas I would not have been able to afford her had they auctioned them off after the 100 days....I even had folks coming up to me at the Supreme asking me how much I wanted for her..trying to buy her! Well, maybe the next one..sure can not keep them all, but thankful she's not going anywhere!

I posted a few videos from the Supreme on youtube ... here are some links to them ... you should be able to cut and paste them to view or visit and our channel is highcottonhorsefarm, you can find them that way too.


Thanks again for everyone's support!

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