Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 74-77 ~ On the News

Well we have been doing quite a bit of bridle-less practice lately and Lindsay is taking to it so well. We can turn, stop and back at the walk really well...she is good at the trot and canter too, but maintaining our speed can be a little tough at the faster gates...Lindsay is no plug so it's not like she is a horse I have to push every stride..she likes to go forward , so we are working on getting our speed more and more steady without me using my hands, just my seat. She has gotten really comfortable with her bridge though and lets me ride her across it using just my legs and neck rope, no bridle.

WECT TV 6 came out today and videoed us. Lindsay was so good! Bob Townsend and the camera man both got really close to her and she really did not seem to be phased by them. The camera man even was doing some fancy camera work and shooting at funny angles from the ground and almost up underneath her and she was ok with it..ignored him really! We even did some of our bridle-less work crossing the bridge, stopping, backing, a few spins....At one point the camera guy was crouched down at the very edge of the bridge right beside (with in a foot) of where I was asking Lindsay to go...she did widen her eye at him a bit, but never veered off track and calmly went right where I pointed her ... without the bridle! I just could not have been more proud of matter how talented and smart I think she is, she does something to out-do herself again....Now if I can just keep up my end of the deal we'll be set, she sure has her part figured out!

It will air August 4th and 5th, so two weeks from now...on channel 6 out of Wilmington, NC. I'll post a link closer to the time. Mr. Townsend wants to call us after the competition to see how it goes...hopefully I can tell him good news! If it was all up to Lindsay I am certain the news would be good...but I will have to do my part too...and I am no where near as good as her...I'm working on it though :)

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