Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 91 & 92 ~ On The Road Again

We got all packed up and headed out Sunday around 11 am. It was pretty smooth sailing other than some stand still traffic in the Mountains of Tennessee. Lindsay was all comfy in her Soft Ride boots (Thanks to ) ...she had (has) the entire front box stall to herself so she can turn around and ride however she pleases. She has hay and water at all times and every few hours we stop and I give her some water that has a bit of Triple Crown Senior soaked in it...if she's not feeling like regular H2O, some Senior flavored H2O does the trick :) ..and it soaked up so fast that once she drinks the flavored water the senior is mushy and water packed too. Dehydration is about the toughest thing to fight on a long trip so I try to do everything in my power to keep her super hydrated! She rides like a dream. We packed her hay in the back of the trailer which leaves only a narrow space for her to load, she steps right in like she knows it's her house :)

...oh before we left I had almost forgotten I wanted to shoot a gun near her b/c I'm sure she'll here it in Fort after a ride Mike pulled out the pistol and shot towards the woods about 30 feet from us...She jumped a tad bit, but not much...all my other guys scattered like chickens!..He shot one more time and Lindsay jumped less, her body just barely "hiccuped" in place ..and everyone else seemed to flea more...I figured we better stop before they got to carried away, but I was thrilled to see Lindsay was so relaxed with it. I know she is going to see and hear so much that I could not have possibly prepared her for, but I do believe once given a chance to see it's no big deal she'll be fine...

We got in to Golden Gaits Farm in middle Tennessee at ~11 pm last night. Lindsay walked off the trailer and into the stall like she was right at home. The Mortons' two prize Stallions were stalled on either side of Lindsay. (There was a stall in between each one and her) It was quite funny, they both seemed to think she had arrived especially for them....Bandit (the older Stallion) settled quicker, but RJ was determined time the night was over he'd have her sweet talked into sneaking off behind the grape vines. Well, she totally ignored him...didn't even reply and I tell you it was if she said "Been there, Done that, Got the Tee-shirt"...she just didn't pay him any mind...toooo funny. I really was pleased and still amazed at how well she settled, she was totally quiet and relaxed. She drank good through-out the night and ate her dinner and breakfast.

We went on a morning ride today just after the sun peaked over the hills. What Beautiful country middle Tennessee is! Especially at Golden Gaits Farm..Wow it was just amazing. There were Friesian mares and foals romping in the pastures and the hills were dotted with colorful Spotted Saddle horses. Grape vines line the property and critters are happily lounging around everywhere you look. It is truly God's Country and it could not be occupied by a more deserving family. Drs. Wendy and Bryant Morton started up Elizabethtown Vet Hospital in Bladen County, NC years ago. They are not only wonderful vets, but also two of the most sincere, caring folks you'll meet...towards people and animals. They have 2 sons, Alex and Bart and the 4 of them occupy this piece of heaven in middle Tennessee. We feel so blessed to consider them friends!

We are now back on the trail, headed to Fort Worth, Texas! We should get in around 10 pm tonight.

If you would like to see more photos I have quite a few posted on Lindsay's Facebook page, you do not have to be a Facebook member to view...just click this link (or cut and paste) if you want to check it out :)!/pages/Lindsay-Roan-Mustang-Mare-competing-in-the-Supreme-Extreme-Makeover/105660732810287?ref=ts

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