Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 85&86 ~ Falling into Place

Sat and Sun went great. We didn't haul off the farm, but we rode in the morning and afternoon both days. I am continuing to do lots of slow work, keeping both of our minds settled and relaxed. It's amazing how beneficial slow work really any discipline...when I do slip in moments of asking her to pick it up a spin a little faster or step up her speed to prepare to stop and slide a's as if she's more mentally prepared from the slow work and the moments of asking for a bit more become so much smoother. Even that left to right lead change seems to be benefiting from me scaling back a bit!

We have been popping over little fences and she is such a natural at that, I am certain she could jump much bigger stuff down the road, probably could now. I have never had her refuse..a fence or anything else for that matter. I've been trying to ride her around as many unfamiliar, possibly scary objects as possible and she is not oblivious to them, but she is very cooperative and brave when we meet scary friends. We ventured into the woods today and walked over lots of logs on the ground...she really really seemed to enjoy that, she loves going new places. She has a tremendous work ethic and will hold her own with me as long as I ask her to, but she really enjoys work outside of the arena. I think she would LOVE doing Craig Cameron's Extreme Cowboy Races. That is on the list to do for sure!

I just about have our freestyle routine planned out...and as much as I'd love to talk about it in every detail I feel like I must leave something up for surprise!...I do not plan on loading her in the back of our pick-up truck though if anyone is wondering..hehehe...even though to be totally honest, I do not think at this point it would be hard to teach her. When I ride her up to something new she typically assumes I am going to ask her to step on it...I've had to catch her from stepping up on some things that really would not be safe, she just seems to assume this is another trail bridge I've concocted....hopefully when we see the competition trail bridge she will feel the same way!

Wed. pm and Thurs. am she'll be on the news! Channel 6 in Wilmington, NC. I am hoping they do a video on the WECT site so I can link to it for those of you who might not be able to see it broad-casted.

So very excited about this entire process, it is a wonderful life to live and I am soaking up every aspect of this journey we are on. It's not the destination, it's the ride that builds memories and character. I hope to always appreciate and continue creating journeys my entire life. There are trainers in this competition that are 60 plus years old...70 plus too I think...what an inspiration they are! I plan to never stop living, it is never to early and never to late to start following your heart and living your dreams. I truly believe God intended us to follow those strong feelings we have inside...the voices in our head. Those feelings are individual to each one of us. It is our job to listen to them and follow their lead. Who's to say 70 yrs is to old to train a wild Mustang? Who's to say that 10 yrs old is to young to know you will always live and breathe horses?...I haven't hit 70 yet, but I'm sure people will question my motives then as they did when I was 10. I can not tell you how many people would say..."You just wait 'till you are a teenager, you'll start liking boys and cars before long and you'll forget about those horses" Sounds like a minor comment, but it infuriated me. How dare someone tell me what I felt in my heart.. they had no clue of this desire and dedication that has burned inside of me since before I can remember. On my 13th birthday I made sure I was sitting on a horse at the very moment in time I "officially" became a teenager and took a photo of the horse's ears as proof! HAHA.. It brought a smile to my face when I stumbled across that photo the other day. I have always known horses were my passion, when I was in school I would draw them..all day.. when I should have been taking notes. I wore Cowboy boots EVERYWHERE...even to the beach as a little kid...and I did not grow up in Texas, I feel sure I was the only one wearing boots on the beach and at school. I have been horse obsessed my entire life and I do not see it stopping when I'm 70 plus...I am so blessed to have family and friends that have helped my passion become reality, but it can happen for anyone if you just follow when you hear in your heart. I think the happiest people are those true to themselves, living the dreams they have for themselves, which to me is the same as living for God. The only way we can support, inspire and lift up others is by being true to ourselves and following our dreams. I can not think of a single positive role model who did nothing with their owns lives and had no aspirations. It is not selfish to follow your heart, it is selfless, because you are following God's guidance by doing so and therefore fulfilling the aspirations God has for you.

I have always been a fan of listening to the voices in my head, they have never steered me wrong :) Try it, if you never have before just give it a is easier than you think.

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